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Create a Desert Wash In Your Yard

We gathered via ZOOM on Tuesday, September 15 at 9:30am for another very informative presentation by Master Gardener Gail Brandys to learn how to “Create a Desert Wash in your Landscape”.

As usual, Master Gardener Gail Brandys provided a thorough and engaging presentation outlining all the steps involved in the process of creating a desert wash in what had been a dated landscape. To see her slide presentation, click here.

Gail also offered our members more native plant seeds just in time for fall planting! The catalog of seeds available from Gail can be viewed here. And planting instructions are available here. Members were encouraged to express their interest in the seeds via email, and those seeds were delivered later in the fall.

Members were also made aware of upcoming programs in the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension "Gardening in Small Spaces" program including:

  • Native Plants in the Landscape on September 12

  • Roses on October 17, and

  • Growing Fruit at Home on November 14.

and programs from "Growing Under the Stars with Master Gardeners" including:

  • Houseplants on October 14, and

  • a second opportunity to hear Gail Brandys' Creating a native flower wash in your yeard on November 18.

Members were provided with a list of the responsibilities for each of the Sun City Anthem Garden Club officer positions and asked to consider running for an officer role in the coming year.

And we polled our members regarding their interest in attending an in-person meeting at the Anthem Center in October. Only 7 members expressed an interest in meeting in-person, so it was decided to continue with virtual meetings.