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Irrigation Principles and Materials

For our first presentation in the New Year, SCA’s Assistant Facilities and Landscape Director, Larry Fossan, plans to discuss and illustrate irrigation principles and materials with giveaways for attendees. Drip irrigation is probably the least understood landscape issue among homeowners. How often do I water? How many gallons per minute? How do I set the timer? What emitters should I buy, and where do I place them? Larry, who led the team that made the common areas of Sun City Anthem water-smart and eye-catching, will have all the answers. Your plants will thank you for attending.

Looking ahead, our speaker for February will be arborist and president of Mr. Tree, Joe Noriega, who will bring plant health care and pruning into focus. His firm is respected for all aspects of tree care—including removal—but is even known for rescuing cats from tall trees. The ever-popular Norm Schilling, president of Schilling Horticulture and the nursery Mojave Bloom, will speak to us again in March, this time on plants that can beat the heat. Landscapes across Clark County were decimated by last summer's temperatures and high UV radiation, so we're all wondering how to save or replace damaged plants. Norm, a podcaster for the show "Desert Bloom" on Nevada Public Radio, has some solutions.

You don't want to miss these and later talks as well as our members' garden tour in April and field trip in October. You can renew your membership at any Garden Club meeting or leave a check in our mailbox mentioned below.

A warm welcome to our new leaders, Secretary Carol Kruep and Treasurer Marlene Genadry.

We meet in the Penn/Morris/Nelson Rooms of the Independence Center from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the second Monday of each month except July and August. Free coffee, tea, and cookies are available from 9:00 a.m. Sun City residents are welcome to attend two meetings/year without joining. Dues for 2025 remain $15; checks may be made payable exactly to: Sun City Anthem Community Association, Inc. with “Garden Club’ on the memo line. Enrollment forms are also available at the Anthem Center kiosk and on our website ( and can be placed in the Garden Club mailbox located outside Anthem's Fitness Center along with your check payable as above. Feel free to email any questions about the Club to its president, Dr. Alec Pridgeon (


Irrigation Principles and Materials
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