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Glicrease Orchard (Courtesy of Linda Gettier)

Just a 45 minute drive from Sun City Anthem will get you to Gilcrease Orchard at 7800 N. Tenaya Way in Las Vegas. As of August, 2020, they are open Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7am to 10am. Saturdays are distinctly busier than weekdays. Bring your own bags for harvesting. Wheeled carts are available to borrow, and many people bring their own wagons. Their website, will let you know which crops are currently available for picking and at what price. Signs on the property direct you to the numbered rows of the crops that are currently ripe. Crops that are not yet ripe are labeled with their expected maturity date. They also have a smart-phone app, Gilcrease Orchard, that is free to download. With it, you'll know where you are on the property in relation to the crops you want to pick. Paved walkways run the perimeter of the property and at two points across the property. Otherwise, you'll be walking in the dirt. A few crops (corn, tomatoes, melons) are available at the check out stand along with their signature Apple Cider. Free Parking is available across the street. Come prepared for the heat and sun. Shaved Ice is available for $2.50.

Glicrease Orchard (Courtesy of Linda Gettier)
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