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Micro Greens

Microgreens: How to Grow Them and Why You Want to!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020, 9:30am, SCA Liberty Center, 2211 Somersworth Drive, Henderson 89044

Presenter: Master Gardener Tiffany Almazan

No time or space to garden? What if you could easily grow healthy food indoors, year round, in as little as 14 days? You CAN! Microgreens are essentially the babies of edible veggies and herbs, are super fun to grow and pack a flavor punch. Growing microgreens is a great project for kids too!

Join Tiffany to learn what makes microgreens unique, why you want to add them to your diet, the supplies you need, the secrets to growing them and delicious recipes for eating them. There will be microgreens on hand for you to see, smell and taste. Each attendee will receive a raffle ticket for a free microgreens starter kit! And a volunteer will be needed for live demo.

Tiffany became a Master Gardener in 2018 after a life long desire to be a ‘master’ backyard gardener. Her jam is all things edible and she loves volunteering with the Garden Committee on campus at the Master Gardener Cooperative Extension Offices. Tiffany is a work from home dog mom who finds joy in inspiring people to grow their own food, get back in the kitchen and make daily lifestyle choices to live happier, healthier lives.

You can follow her on Instagram @lifeofjoie or her blog at where you can also subscribe to her newsletter, The Joie Chronicles, on all things Joy and Wellness.

Tiffany was kind enough to share her slide presentation to us, which was forwarded to all members via e-mail. And she has sent progress photos on a new batch of arugula! If you took any photos of the plants and/or Tiffany, she would love to have a copy. Please forward them to and they will be forwarded to her with your photo credit!

Micro Greens
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