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SCA Landscape 2026

Monday, January 9th, 2023 at 9:30am at the INDEPENDENCE Center. The Garden Club is growing faster than lantanas in summer. Is it because of the enviable lineup of expert speakers, field trips, the swap-and-shop at monthly meetings, eBlasts about future events and classes, frequent raffle items, or just the enthusiastic and helpful members? All of the above! If you want to improve the curb appeal of your home, attract hummingbirds, or cultivate edibles and make new friends in the process, you will derive huge benefits from joining us, especially if you are new to the area and have never lived in a challenging desert environment.


Our speaker on January 9 was Larry Fossan, SCA Facilities Maintenance Manager, who proactively organized the removal of turf from the East Lawn and installed water-wise trees and shrubs. The title of his talk was “What will the SCA Landscape Look Like in 2026?” He has had years of experience in selecting and growing plants in our unforgiving summer heat and nutrient-poor soils. Larry is bringing some plants for a raffle after his talk.

We meet in the Morris/Nelson Rooms of the Independence Center from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the second Monday of each month. Coffee, tea, and pastries are available from 9:00 a.m. Dues are a bargain at $10/year, payable exactly to: Sun City Anthem Community Association Inc. Residents may attend two meetings as guests prior to joining at any meeting. Otherwise, enrollment forms are available at the Anthem Center kiosk and on the Club's SCA website and can be placed in the Garden Club mailbox located outside Anthem's Fitness Center along with your check payable as above.

SCA Landscape
SCA Landscape 2026
Actions Session Date Registration Capacity Staff
Member Closed
No Positions No staff