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Native Plants, Trees and Shrubs

Save the date! Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 9:30am at the Liberty Center will be the next SCA Garden Club Meeting.

Our guest speaker will be Sheila Hodis, a Master Gardener, SCA Resident, and former Vice-President and Secretary of the SCA Garden Club.

Sheila became a Master Gardener 4 years ago at the UNR Cooperative Extension. She answers your questions at the Master Gardener Hotline and has worked on committees for

  • Youth horticulture & education
  • Fruit & vegetable research
  • Herbs
  • Native plants
  • Monarch butterflies
  • Roses.

For those of you who may have heard Gail Brandys' presentation on "Creating a Desert Wash with Native Wildflowers" in September of 2020, Sheila started with Gail's work on the native wildflowers and expanded it to include native shrubs and trees.

Bring your questions for Sheila so you can add these heat loving, drought-tolerant native plants to your landscape!

Please bring your SCA ID card to show at the front desk. Guests are welcome and may attend 2 meetings at no charge before becoming Garden Club members. All we ask is that you sign in at our registration table in the hall outside the meeting room.

Also feel free to bring any contributions to our "Swap and Shop" area at each meeting. This is your opportunity to pass on any plants, tools, or supplies that you no longer need, and take home whatever you can put to good use in your garden, all free!

If you haven't already done so, please plan to set aside a few minutes of your time when you arrive at this meeting to complete our 2022 Member Interest Survey. Your responses to this survey help us meet your gardening needs as we plan upcoming meetings!