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Trip to view Bellagio Gardens Holiday Display.


Monday, December 12th, 9:30am – 12:30pm

Attention all Club Members!

In lieu of our Club meeting at the Independence Center on Monday, December 12th a Bus Trip was planned to the Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical Gardens to view and enjoy their beautiful Holiday display.

Each season, the Bellagio’s enormously talented Horticulture and Engineering teams transform the 14,000-square-foot Botanical Gardens into a showcase of inspiring sights, sounds, scents and colors. We had approximately 2 hours to wander and enjoy these incredible gardens.

The bus left the Independence Center parking lot at 9:30am. We arrived at the Bellagio at approximately 10:00am. After enjoying the gardens, all participants boarded the bus at noon and returned to SCA at 12:30 pm.

The bus accommodated 56 people ONLY. Participation was on a first come/first pay basis. The cost per person was $5.00.


Interested participants followed the following instructions:

Please print this email, complete your name and email address and attach a $5.00 check made payable to: Sun City Anthem Community Association, Inc.



Drop the form off, together with your check, in the Garden Club mailbox at the Anthem Center or bring your form and check to our November 14th meeting.

Remember, there are ONLY 56 seats available. So, hurry and don’t miss out on this great opportunity and exciting outing.

Thank you for your participation in our Club events. Any questions, please let us know.

SCA Garden Club Board

Bill Kuncewicki – Carol Prail – Linda Gettier

Jeneane Young – Deborah Liou