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Garden Club's Mission Statement

Garden Club’s Mission Statement

The purpose of the Sun City Anthem Garden Club is to provide education and enjoyment for its members through lectures, discussions, field trips, and other events focusing on landscaping and gardening in southern Nevada.

Our website provides information on all of our programs held at Sun City Anthem, including past in-person meetings and virtual meetings, field trips, helpful resources, and tours available throughout our area. 

We are pleased to offer this Marketplace strictly to SCA Garden Club members as a way to buy and sell only gardening-related merchandise and also offer free items such as plants and horticultural books – all at no charge to members. The SCA Garden Club does not endorse any item for sale nor any vendors and does not assume any responsibility or liability for transactions between individuals.
Are you new to our club and/or a transplant from out of state? Don’t know how to grow the landscape plants that you inherited when you bought your house, or are you just experiencing an issue with one or more of your plants? Club members may request a House Call for help! Two experts from our House Call Committee will visit your garden, identify plants, and offer advice on how to grow them with absolutely no cost to you. They will not be able to plant, prune, or enter your home but they can offer a wide range of garden-related assistance. Some questions may be answered by phone or email, or if required an on-site visit will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time. If you are not already logged-in to the Club website, please do so now to fully access the options available. We look forward to being of assistance. NOT a Club Member? Join today!

The ever-popular Norm Schilling, president of Schilling Horticulture and the nursery Mojave Bloom, will speak to us again on March 10, this time on plants that can beat the heat. Landscapes across southern Nevada were decimated by last summer's temperatures and high UV radiation, so we're all wondering how to save or replace damaged plants. Norm, who is a self-confessed "plant geek" and also a podcaster for the program "Desert Bloom" on Nevada Public Radio (KNPR), has lots of solutions.

Our annual tour of members' gardens will be held on April 21. Come join us to see what can be grown in the Mojave Desert to perfection—everything from cacti to roses, yuccas and agaves to irises and hummingbird plants—and give your home curb appeal and serenity. A slide show of the tour will be presented at the meeting in May, following a delicious picnic buffet catered by Bell's Barbecue and held in the Independence Courtyard. If you are not a member or wish to renew your membership to take advantage of these opportunities, you may leave $15 (cash or check) at any Club meeting or in our mailbox mentioned below.

We meet in the Penn/Morris/Nelson Rooms of the Independence Center from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the second Monday of each month except July and August. Free coffee, tea, and cookies are available from 9:00 a.m. Sun City residents are welcome to attend two meetings/year without joining. Dues for 2025 remain $15; checks may be made payable exactly to: Sun City Anthem Community Association, Inc. with “Garden Club’ on the memo line. Enrollment forms are also available at the Anthem Center kiosk and on our website ( and can be placed in the Garden Club mailbox located outside Anthem's Fitness Center along with your check payable as above. Feel free to email any questions about the Club to its president, Dr. Alec Pridgeon (